Onsite Care Solutions


Workplace Injury Prevention



Onsite Care Solutions

Corporate Wellness Strategy Workshops


Physical Therapy

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Our health care system is not always set up to facilitate an efficient and cost-effective return-to-work process. Injured employees can become lost in the maze of medical treatments available. Getting them back to work quickly and cost-effectively is your goal. However, the medical community may have other things in mind.

In addition, shouldn’t the solution include avoiding injuries in the first place?

We Provide Unequaled Balance

We charge our clients a simple hourly rate that is well below the hourly rate reflected through standard physical therapy CPT billing codes. By doing so, we provide employees treatment until they can safely return to work, but do so at a fraction of the cost of normal therapy. Your employees are better prepared for work and your rehabilitation costs are actually lower.

We Only Work Onsite

Our clinics are within your four walls. By doing so, we make employee access easier (including family members) and speed the flow of information. We work with injured employees at their normal or limited-duty job site to help assure their safety and productivity. By working onsite, we not only understand physical therapy, we understand your company.

Our Real Goal is to Prevent Injuries

Uniquely, our therapists’ goal is to not provide therapy. Physical therapy will comprise only a part of our therapists contracted time at your facility. They do not sit and wait for their next patient. Instead, they focus on providing a variety of injury prevention services including pre-employment screens, ergonomics, early intervention, wellness, and/or stretching services as required.

We Don’t Require a Big Commitment

Through our nationwide network of professionals, we can provide expert care almost anywhere and everywhere. The best part – we don’t need you to commit to a full-time position. We can provide part-time support, if that is all you need or can afford. No matter how much time is invested, you can have full confidence that your employees are receiving expert care.

Call or email us and we’ll work with you to create a solution that fits with your business and your workforce.